There are certain circumstances that can make loan approval hard for you, but with the right guarantor and a dependable broker, the process can be as smooth as it can be.
For irregular and unexpected expenses, you may want to opt for a line of credit, allowing you to borrow on an as-needed basis up to a maximum amount.
Lionel Finance can help you find the right trust company and lender for your home loan, I can act as an intermediary between you, your trustee, and the lender.
If you want financing away from the public loan market, you can be matched with a private equity firm to fund or invest on your property.
Although banks ideally approve loans to applicants with domestic income, a foreign source of income should not be a hindrance to get your loan approved. With the right broker, it would be hassle-free.
If a standard loan does not match your mortgage need, you might need help in finding a more flexible scheme in the form of a complex loan.