No matter how much you earn, building finances take time. This is why investing in a property or buying a house seems to be a privilege for the rich. But what if you’re living with a low income?
The average weekly income of an “average Aussie” is at $1,659 (trend), according to a report from the Australian Bureau of Statistics. Earning below that average puts you out of the median bracket. But that doesn’t mean that property investment is no longer meant for you.
Property prices don’t often come cheap. However, the numbers can change due to several factors, including economic growth, supply and demand, and demographics. This means that every dollar you save should be invested into something valuable.
One option is to seek an investor-friendly loan. There are cases where you need to have at least a 10% deposit to increase the chances of getting your loan approved or grow your borrowing capacity.
It can also be quite beneficial if you can have a larger deposit of up to 20%. If you borrow less, you could be able to save more on your overall interest costs. You could also avoid paying for lenders mortgage insurance.
Another alternative for low-income earners is to show that you are disciplined enough when it comes to handling your finances. In some cases, lenders assess your expenses to gauge whether you’re capable of meeting financial payments or not. For instance, if you have a $10,000 limit on your credit card, you need to trim it down to around $1,000.
According to research, about 60% of applicants can borrow from a specialist lender when they get rejected by banks. Although this could come with higher interest, your finance broker could help you see it as an opportunity to eventually switch to a prime loan.
How about if you’re considering to invest with a relative or a friend? That’s actually another good option to enter the market. You just have to ensure that agreements are settled, such as determining your plans for the property, figuring out how to pay for the maintenance, or deciding who’s going to be responsible for the mortgage.
Get in touch with me at and let me help you get started on your investment plans.